課程的目的是傳福音,探索生命的意义和基督教信仰的基本內容。 時間:從2025年1月12日開始,1月到4月,每週主日下午1點到3點。教會將提供免費午餐,我們先在一起吃飯,然後一起看視頻,最後分組討論分享。 地點:在教會地下室。 歡迎不信主的慕道友,剛信主的初信徒,已經信主的老信徒參加,任何CECC中文堂想參加的人都可以參加。請向劉星傳道或者Judy姊妹報名。
Christ Emmanuel Community Church (CECC)
Our Beliefs
Scripture: We believe that the Bible comprising the Old and New Testament, is fully inspired by the Spirit of God…
Our Mission & Values
Our Mission: To love God and to love people by proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel…
Our Pastoral Team
Our pastoral team is dedicated to shepherding our community with Christ-centered leadership, compassion,…
Christmas Cantata
CHRISTMAS IS FOREVER Unchanging Love in an Ever-Changing World (by Gary Rhodes) We warmly invite…
What’s happening?
Come and journey with us
Tic-Tac is our fellowship for pre-teens in Grades 7-8. During these crucial formative years, Tic-Tac provides…
High School/University
We invite all high school, university, and college students to join our Youth Christian Fellowship (called Junction…
Young Adults
Messengers is a fellowship for young adults (ages 22-35) to come together, grow in Christ, and share life’s journey…
Adult Life Group
Knowing Christ. Sharing life together.
Friday Prayer Meeting Group